The Pros and Cons of a Return to the Five-Day Onsite Week

Apr 11 | 3 min


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After a few years where remote and hybrid working had become the norm for many companies across a range of industries and sectors, it now looks as though we can look forward to a return to the traditional way of doing things. Indeed, Microsoft found that 50% of companies they surveyed were planning an imminent return to the five days onsite working week, with major employers and brands such as Apple amongst those pushing for the change.


Yet the move is not being welcomed by those likely to be greatest affected - the workers themselves. According to a recent study conducted by talent acquisition specialists at Regal Cloud, a huge 84% of tech workers were very much opposed to the prospect, going as far as to say that they would leave their current employer should they be expected to work onsite full time.


A Plan With Positives And Negatives For Staff

For businesses, there are plenty of clear reasons why making staff return to working onsite could be an attractive move. Many managers still adhere to the concept of "presenteeism" and feel happier when they can physically see that their teams are hard at work. The cost of maintaining office space which is being left partly empty is another motivating factor, and, of course, it's easier to maintain consistency in upholding the company ethos or culture when employees are in the workplace.


However, for tech employees, onsite work means they can benefit from the input of other professionals and can develop new areas of expertise as well as enhance their skillset. Nevertheless, these positive factors are often overshadowed by negative feelings among employees, such as the belief that returning to onsite work may reflect the lack of trust company bosses have in their staff's ability to work independently. Moreover, a lack of transparency regarding the reasons behind the switch from remote work adds to employees' unease. Added to this, many professionals have now adapted their lives to a flexible work approach, and mandatory office work might create obstacles, such as childcare or commuting challenges.


A Challenge For Recruitment

One thing seems clear: a switch back to the traditional office based working style will mean companies will suffer with both staff retention and recruiting fresh tech talent. With the vast majority of employees surveyed saying that they intend to leave their job if they cannot continue to work from home, this in turn means that those organisations looking to hire will struggle to attract many candidates. Conversely, those businesses which intend to continue with more flexible working styles will almost certainly see themselves enjoying an increased talent pool to draw upon when they need to recruit.


Of course, it may be that employees themselves will also need to reframe their expectations if the popularity of full time, onsite working continues to grow. After all, should more companies embrace this approach, talented professionals could find themselves missing out on the best career opportunities if they dismiss onsite working out of hand.


Find The Solution With Regal Cloud

Whether you need a flexible approach to work or are happy about the possible return to a 5-day work week spent wholly in the office, Regal Cloud can help connect you with your perfect opportunities. As cloud talent specialists, we understand how to help our candidates create their ideal careers, at the most innovative, exciting organisations. Find out more about our services today, at

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